GoldMiners Nov-Dec Nuggets

Busy times ahead for the Kirkland Lake GoldMiners with plenty of activities and promotions on the horizon.

This Friday, November 9th, we will hold our Annual Remembrance Day Ceremony as we face the French River Rapids at the Joe, at 7pm. Representatives from the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 87 in Kirkland Lake, along with representatives from Police, Fire and EMS Departments will be on hand, plus the Cadets will be our flag bearers for the ceremony, as well Mark Milton of Englehart, will join us, on the bagpipes.

Friday, November 16th, we host the Soo, Michigan Eagles at 7:00 at the Joe, NorthEastern Ontario Family and Children’s Services Night. We ask Miners Nation to bring a new unwrapped toy for the NEOFACS Christmas Angel Program, monetary donations will also be graciously accepted by NEOFACS.

As well on the 16th, fans will be able to purchase tickets for Canadian Wrestling Hall of Famer, ‘Red Hot’ Ryan Wood’s return to the wrestling ring, for one night only, as our Head Coach will be part of the CWE Canada, Struttin’ and Cuttin’ Tour that stops in Kirkland Lake, Wednesday, November 21st, in the Northern College Gym, featuring WWE Legend, Brutus ‘the Barber’ Beefcake, along with the Japanese Beast, Shigihero Irie and CWE Champion, Hotshot Danny Duggan. Advance tickets are $18.00, 21 at the door, Priority Access tickets are 23. Tickets also available at the Legion, or online at This event is a fundraiser for your GoldMiners, with an After-Party at the Fed.

Then, Thursday, November 29th, we host the Timmins Rock, on Throwback Night, when we will wear replica jerseys from the 1940 Allan Cup Champion Lakeshore Blue Devils, that featured Bill Durnan in goal. Many thanks to Pinewood Park Motors and CXS Exploration for sponsoring the jerseys. Fans will have a chance to bid on the jerseys, which will be auctioned off at GoldMiners games and Special Events.

Wednesday, December 5th, we host the Cochrane Crunch on Kirkland Lake High School Student Night, as we will welcome English students from KLDCS and French etudiants from ECJV to be our special guests. This is also a fundraiser for both schools, as we are sharing 50% of ticket sales with the 2 schools.

Friday, December 7th, the Elliot Lake WildCats will visit the Joe, for a 7pm start. We partner with our friends at the Salvation Army that evening, as they will be on hand with their Christmas Kettles, and will be accepting and collecting non-perishable food items for the Kirkland Lake Salvation Army Food Bank.

In the New Year, we will hold a GoldMiners Alumni Night, January 19th, as we host the Cochrane Crunch, join us to rekindle old friendships.

And February 9th, we are holding a Shop & Stop, $10,000.00 Elimination draw and Jam Session at the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 87, more details to come.

Miners Nation, save the dates!