AGM Goes June 16th Via Zoom

Annual General Meeting Kirkland Lake Goldminers Junior A Hockey Club

The Kirkland Lake Goldminers Junior A Hockey Club will be hosting their Annual General Meeting on Wednesday June 16th starting at 6:30 pm virtually via Zoom. Here is the link for the meeting,

 Meeting ID: 827 3604 8663 – Passcode: 392667

Elections of Officers will take place during this meeting. If anyone is interested in putting their name forward for any of the following positions, please forward your intentions for standing for office to on or before Wednesday June 16th at 5:00 PM.

The following positions are available: President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Vice President responsible for Hockey Operations, Vice President responsible for Business and Community Involvement.

Should anyone have questions regarding this annual meeting or requires more information on the Kirkland Lake Goldminers and the positions available, please contact Derek Callahan, Vice President responsible for Hockey Operations at (705) 493‐8568 or